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Q: What did esperanza do when mama got sick?
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In Esperanza Rising how does the author show the passage of time during mama's s sickness?

The author shows the passage of time during Mama's sickness through Esperanza's gradual acceptance of her new responsibilities, the changing seasons on the ranch, and Mama's visible physical decline. As Mama's sickness progresses, Esperanza takes on more duties previously handled by her mother, illustrating the passing of time and the impact of illness on their family dynamic.

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why was mama shaking esperanza awake

What does Esperanza try to do in Esperanza rising?

first she tries to persuade mama that they do not have to move to California to work after her house burned down. she also tries to do good at watching the babies; Pepe and Lupe. Esperanza tries very hard when she is working in the shed when mama gets sick

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Your Mama, then he got sick..

What happened in chapter 9 in Esperanza Rising?

In chapter 9 of Esperanza Rising, Esperanza gets a job sorting and packing produce with Miguel and Alfonso. She struggles to adapt to the hard work and long hours in the fields. Additionally, she faces discrimination from her coworkers who view her as a wealthy outsider.

What does mama do for the child who interrupted Esperanza's playing on the train?

Mama tells the child to let Esperanza play, explaining she is special and needs to be alone sometimes.

Why did mama wake esperanza up?

Mama woke Esperanza up because she wanted her to see the sunrise, creating a moment of beauty and hope in the midst of their difficult circumstances. Mama wanted to share this moment with Esperanza as a way to offer her comfort and strength.

What did avocados symbolize in Esperanza Rising?

Avocados symbolize Esperanza missing all the little things about Mama while she [mama] is in the hospital...what my English teacher told me.

What is the surprise that Alfonso and Miguel have for Esperanza and Mama in the book Esperanza rising?

Alfonso and Miguel surprise Esperanza and Mama with a new room they have prepared for them in their home, complete with special touches and decorations. This gesture shows their love and appreciation for Esperanza and Mama, and their desire to make them feel welcome and at home.

Why was mama ill after the dust storm in Esperanza Rising?

well mama is very ill and you know the crochet blanket well when Esperanza finishes it then abuelita will come and help mama get better but no mama does not die but the river between Esperanza and Miguel has a bridge.hope this helps

Why does Esperanza want to work?

Esperanza wants to work because she wants to get mama out the hospital and get abuelita down to the camp

What problem are the characters trying to solve in Esperanza rising book?

she lived happy in the end and learned how to be poor.