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Q: What did esperanza do when mama got sick in Esperanza Rising?
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What does Esperanza try to do in Esperanza rising?

first she tries to persuade mama that they do not have to move to California to work after her house burned down. she also tries to do good at watching the babies; Pepe and Lupe. Esperanza tries very hard when she is working in the shed when mama gets sick

Why was Esperanza's mother sick in Esperanza Rising?

There had been a dust storm and the truck couldn't get there on time, so Esperanza's mother caught a valley fever..... Cheers

In Esperanza Rising how does the author show the passage of time during mama's s sickness?

The author shows the passage of time during Mama's sickness through Esperanza's gradual acceptance of her new responsibilities, the changing seasons on the ranch, and Mama's visible physical decline. As Mama's sickness progresses, Esperanza takes on more duties previously handled by her mother, illustrating the passing of time and the impact of illness on their family dynamic.

What happened in chapter 9 in Esperanza Rising?

In chapter 9 of Esperanza Rising, Esperanza gets a job sorting and packing produce with Miguel and Alfonso. She struggles to adapt to the hard work and long hours in the fields. Additionally, she faces discrimination from her coworkers who view her as a wealthy outsider.

What problem are the characters trying to solve in Esperanza rising book?

she lived happy in the end and learned how to be poor.

Why was mama ill after the dust storm in Esperanza Rising?

well mama is very ill and you know the crochet blanket well when Esperanza finishes it then abuelita will come and help mama get better but no mama does not die but the river between Esperanza and Miguel has a bridge.hope this helps

What is the mood in Esperanza rising?

The mood in "Esperanza Rising" is a mix of hope, resilience, and nostalgia. As Esperanza faces challenges in her new life in America, the story explores themes of family, love, and determination amidst adversity. The mood shifts between moments of joy, sorrow, and courage as Esperanza navigates her journey of self-discovery and growth.

How does papa arrive home in Esperanza Rising?

Papa arrives home in a truck driven by Marta's brother. He is sick with valley fever and barely able to walk. Mama and the girls are very worried about him.

What happens in the middle of Esperanza Rising?

In the middle of the novel "Esperanza Rising," Esperanza faces numerous challenges, including adjusting to her new life as a poor immigrant farm worker, dealing with discrimination and prejudice, and learning to stand up for herself and her family. She also experiences personal growth as she learns the value of hard work, humility, and the importance of staying true to her roots and heritage. Additionally, she begins to form new friendships and find moments of joy amidst the difficulties she faces.

What is one word to describe Esperanza in Esperanza Rising?

Well it is kinda hard to describe a person or even a character from a book in one word but if I had to I would probably say that she is very naive because although she is now poor and helpless and many other things she still can't accept that simple fact and grow up to help her family. Luckily she matures when her mother gets sick or else she would have been a lot worse off than she had been before.

What did esperanza tell isabel at the end of the book?

There are many ways that Esperanza changed through out the story. I think that the biggest changes in her were that she is dependent, she doesn't have a princess like mortality and she is now nice to poor people. Esperanza is now independent. In the beginning of the book Esperanza was so spoiled. She couldn't even take a bath by herself. She needed help getting her clothes off. To me, that's so surprising. Next, she is now independent because she can take care of the babies by herself. She even took the time to lean how to clean their diapers. Another reason why I think she is independent because she fed the babies raw plums. this caused them to get sick. she had to clean it up. then she gave them rice. this helped them feel better. Finally, one last reason why she is now independent is that when her mama got sick she wanted Abuelita. To get Abuelita she had to make enough money to fly her to her. To do this, Esperanza started working in the sheds in the freezing cold weather. At first she didn't know how to cut potatoes. After she watched Hortensia, she could do it by herself. All of these examples show that she is now an independent person. Another way that Esperanza changed is that she doesn't have a princess like mortality anymore. Before she thought of her self as a princess. She had everything that she wanted. Plus, she lived on a beautiful farm. This all changed when her Papa got killed and her ranch burnt down. She moved and had to work for money. This changed her because she had to share a small cabin with other people. Next, she doesn't have a princess mortality anymore because she has to work for her money. She works in the sheds cutting potatoes and other vegetables. these events changed Esperanza so much. The last reason why she changed is that she is now nice to poor people. First, she started being nice to poor people when she saw the small, dirty child on the train. She didn't let her touch her doll that Papa gave her but she did make her a yarn doll. Personally, I thought that this was a very nice thing to do for a little poor child. Next, another reason why she is nice to poor people is because when Isabel didn't get Queen of the May she told her that she didn't get it because it would only last for one day. She gave her her doll that her Papa gave her. When she gave this to Isabel she said that she would be making her Papa happy. If I were Isabel I would be so happy! Not even the Queen of the May would have a doll as nice as mine. This was a very kind thing to do. It's a good thing that she is now nice to poor people; she is one. In conclusion, Esperanza's character changed so much throughout the book. She is now such a better person on the inside. She cares for poor people, she is independent and she doesn't have a princess mortality anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did the monkey eat for breakfast?

Your Mama, then he got sick..