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The number one issue of having to fight a two-front war was deciding on how to best divide the U.S. forces. Secondly, was finding on how to best protect the two sides of the United States.

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Q: What did fighting a two front war mean?
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What does two front war mean?

In this case, "front" means "frontier" or "border". A two front war means fighting a war against two or more enemies on different borders of your country.

What is multi front war?

Picture a box with four sides. Fighting on 1 side is one front. Fighting on two sides of the box is fighting on two fronts. Three sides of the box is 3 fronts, four sides of the box (surrounded) is fighting on four fronts. Two or more fronts is a multi front war.

What Hitler wanted to avoid fighting in two different places?

two front war

Why was it a mistake for Germany to fight a two-front war?

Fighting a two-front war is the same as fighting two wars at the same time. That's never a good idea because your forces are split.

What agreement did the Germans sign to avoid fighting a two front war?

Non-aggression pact with Stalin

What is so bad about fighting a two front war?

troops and supplies have to be divided. therefore each front is weaker rather than one strong front.

Germany's plan for a fighting a two front war against france and russia during WW1 was called?

Germany's plan for fighting a two front war against France and Russia during WWI was called the Schlieffen Plan. This plan allowed Germany to invade neutral areas.

What was the two main battlefronts in World War 2?

The two main belligerent countries were Germany and Japan. For Germany the main battle front was the Eastern Front fighting Russia from 1941 to 1945. For Japan the main battle front was the Pacific Islands fighting against the US from 1941 to 1945.

The part of a nation at war that is home to those not fighting the war?

Home Front

How was Germany fighting a two-front war in World War 2?

Because Germany invaded the Soviet Union, and then the D-Day landings and the defeat of the Italians meant that the Germans ended up fighting in both the east and the west.

Why does the Western Front not run through Switzerland?

The Western Front was the name of the front line between the two waring sides in the First World War. Switzerland was neutral during the First World War, neither of the two waring sides were allowed to send troops into Switzerland. So there was no fighting and no front line in Switzerland.

What do many historians consider to be Hitler s biggest mistake in World War 2?

Engaging Russia (Eastern Front), while starting the attack on England (Western Front), Greatest mistake was fighting a war on two fronts.