

What did god promise moses after the ninth plague?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What did god promise moses after the ninth plague?
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Does Moses send a plague Egypt?

No they were all ten of them sent by god on the land of Egypt.

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Moses didn't send the plagues. God did. But I believe that the death of the first born would be the worst.

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The "covenant".

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Prophet MOSES ( PBUH)

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Hebrews believed that god had revealed the laws (ten commandments) to Moses theredy making a promise with them.

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I assume you're taking about Moses. If so, then, he did it because God told him to.

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To the promise land away from Egypt.

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Fast, with the 10th day as well, coz this is the day when god saved Moses from the Pharoh's chase.

What land did God promise moses and the Hebrew slaves?

All of it!! As far as Abraham could see in all directions...

What was the promise god made to moses and his people called?

The b'rit (covenant) (Exodus 34:10, and many other verses).

What was the First plague?

The first plague was blood. God instructed Moses to tell Aaron to extenf his staff over the Nile River, all rivers and other water turned to blood. Exodus 7:14-25

What was the first plague to hit the Egyptians at Passover?

The first plague was that God told Moses to raise his staff and bang it on the ground near the Nile. This turned all the water in the Nile to blood.