

What did humans do to treat typhus in the holocaust?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The Nazi German blessed the typhus. It was less work for them at killing the prisioners.

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Q: What did humans do to treat typhus in the holocaust?
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What kind of sickness did people die from in Holocaust?

Typhus, typhoid fever and dysentry.

What illnesses did Jews face during the Holocaust?

they got the sickness's typhus, and mulnutrition

What is the type of habitat Typhus needs?

Typhus lives in the digestive system of humans and other mammals.

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In the concentration camps, Dysentery and Typhus were very common.

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Typhus is a disease that killed many children during the Holocaust.

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To prevent lice from being brought into the camp. The Nazi's wanted to prevent typhus.

Diseases of the Holocaust?

Typhus is a disease spread by lice and this is what most of the people died of other than starvation and fatigue

Can ticks transmit epidemic typhus to humans?

Typhus is transmitted in human feces, and is usually spread by contaminated water. It is not spread by animal vectors.

What efforts were made to cure typhus during the Holocaust?

you gas them - which is exactly what mengele did his 1st day at birkenau, when theres an epidemic of typhoid, mengele's new method was to send everyone in the block to the gas chambers (even if the block has only 1 case of typhus) then the baracks were all disinfected. and that's how you get rid of typhus! mengele would boast. & he actually got a medal for it!

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Most humans treat horses well, but some humans (unfortunately) abuse them.

How did Cary Krell die during the Holocaust?

Cary Krell died of typhus on January 6,1945, a few weeks before her 9th birthday and liberation

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