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1d ago

Hunter-gatherers survived by hunting wild animals for meat and gathering edible plants, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Their diet varied depending on what was available in their environment, but typically included a combination of protein-rich animal foods and carbohydrates from plant sources. They also utilized tools and fire to aid in hunting and food preparation.

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Q: What did hunter-gatherers survive on?
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What kinds of technology did the people of Border Cave use in order to survive?

The people of the border cave used, rocks- stones, animals, and plants to survive.. there is others but i just didnt feel like typing anymore. teehee. :)

Which key human trait did hunter-gatherer groups depend on to survive?

Cooperation was a key human trait that hunter-gatherer groups depended on to survive. Working together allowed them to hunt, gather food, and protect against threats more effectively.

What does true arthrophiles mean?

True arthrophiles are organisms, often bacteria, that thrive in environments with low water activity, such as in salt marshes or areas with high salt concentrations. They have evolved mechanisms to survive in these harsh conditions, where most other organisms cannot survive.

What supplies did the Roanoke need to survive?

The Roanoke settlement needed supplies such as food, water, tools, weapons, clothing, building materials, and medicine to survive. This included items for farming, hunting, and protection from the elements and potential threats. Unfortunately, due to various challenges, including supply shortages, the fate of the Roanoke colony remains a mystery.

What factor helped the neolithic people survive?

The development of agriculture played a significant role in helping Neolithic people survive. This allowed them to settle in one place, grow their own food, and establish more stable communities. Additionally, advancements in tools and technology improved their ability to hunt, gather, and defend themselves.

Related questions

Where did huntergatherers live?

They lived in the rainforest

Why did huntergatherers form clans or communties?

To have friendship with other people

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What does huntergatherers mean?

That those people subsisted on the produce they hunted and gathering produce growing wild, as opposed to settled people who raised their own food animals and planted and harvested crops.

What is future tense of survive?

Will survive going to survive They will survive the night ok. I am going to survive the storm.

The probability that a patient recovers from a delicate heart operation is 0.9 what is the probability that exactly 5 of the next 7 patients having the operation survive?

C(7,2)*(.9)^5*(.1)^2, or about .124 = 12.4% For the desired outcome, considering the seven patients, you need: (Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Die,Die) (Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Die,Survive,Die) (Survive,Survive,Survive,Die,Survive,Survive,Die) . . . (Die,Die,Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive) There are C(7,2) [the number of combinations of 7 things taken 2 at a time] = 21 possible desired outcomes. The probability of each of these outcomes is (.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.1)*(.1). Multiplying 21 by (.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.1)*(.1) yields the answer.

What did animals do to survive?

They basically do what humans do to survive. Like humans need to eat to survive and we also need to sleep to survive.

How do you survive on a mountain forest?

You survive by using what ever you can find in the forest, to survive.

How do gerbils survive?

they survive by adaptation

A sentence with survive in it?

Janice just wanted to survive the wedding. Phoebe had to survive on the streets of New York. The salmon had to survive the swim upstream. The monkey had to survive in a tree eating bananas.

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no he did not survive

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they survive in harsh conditions