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Q: What did hunters and gatherers use the bones of the wholly mammoth for?
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Hunters and gathers used the bones of the woolly mammoth to?

hunters and gatherers use bones and fur for shelter and weapons

What did hunter-gatherers use to make their shelters and how did it look?

they made their homes out of mammoth bones and animal skins

What did hunter-gatherers use to make their shelters and how did it look like?

Hunter-gatherers used a variety of materials to make their shelters, including branches, grass, leaves, animal skins, and sometimes rocks. The shelters could vary in appearance depending on the availability of resources and local climate, but they were generally simple structures such as lean-tos, wigwams, or teepees. The design focused on providing protection from the elements and maintaining mobility for the nomadic lifestyle of hunter-gatherer societies.

What are mammoth bones?

Calcium, and bones(be more specific).

Are there mammoth bones on earth?

Yes, there are mammoth bones on earth. Both fossils of mammoth bones and actual bones have been found. Notably some frozen carcasses of woolly mammoths have been found in both Siberia and Alaska (mostly Siberia) which, of course, includes the bones within the carcasses. Mammoth bones have also been extracted from the La Brea Tar Pits.

What where hunter gatherers?

Hunter-gatherers were early human societies that relied on hunting wild animals and gathering plants for food rather than through agriculture. They typically lived in small groups and were nomadic, moving to different areas in search of food. Hunter-gatherer societies existed before the development of agriculture and settled communities.

How many bones do wolves have?

A mammoth has around 317-322 bones in their whole body. This is based on findings of a mammoth bones in SD.

How early man live?

In caves or stone shelters or in houses built by animal bones especially mammoths or with wood. They were hunter gatherers or hunters or they collected fruits and vegetables from forests , .... Etc..,..,, Hope this helps xxx (:

What kind of tools are made of mammoth bones?

they use it for dogs

What did hunter gatherers use as shelter?

Hunter-gatherers used various forms of temporary shelters, such as caves, rock overhangs, and natural structures like fallen trees. They also built temporary structures using branches, leaves, grass, and animal skins. The specific type of shelter depended on the resources available in their environment and the season.

What are cro magnon huts made of?

fur and mammoth bones for structure

How did the cro-magnon survive?

Cro-Magnon, an early form of Homo sapiens, survived due to their innovation, adaptability, and advanced tools such as spears and blades. They were skilled hunters and gatherers, which helped them secure food and resources to thrive in diverse environments. Additionally, their ability to communicate, form social bonds, and create art and complex rituals contributed to their successful survival.