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The North maintained a strong military leadership and the South reached for economic growth.

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Q: What did leaders do to keep control after the Korean War?
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the korean war memorial is a statue of a korean man with a shord

Who were the major Political and Military leaders for both factions in the Korean War?

Haeli Hester!!!!!

What is a woman in the Korean War?

Jane Fonda was a nurse in the Korean war. She is hard to find on the internet, but just keep looking!

What happened in 1950 causing the Korean War?

North Korean Communists invaded South Korea and tried to take control.

What were the policies of the Korean War?

Communist containment. Push them back, then keep them there.

Who were the two Korean leaders involved invthe events leading up to the Korean war?

Syngman Rhee, South Korea and Kim ll-sung North Korea

In the Korean War did South or North Korea win?

In the Korean War. The DPRK won defeating the American imperialists and south Korean traitors. But it is no over yet South Korea must be liberated from imperialist control.

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Who where the leaders in south Korea during the Korean war?

kong kon of course and that was probably the eaisyiest question ever invented

In the early 1050s you fought a war to keep this Asian nation free from communism?

1950-1953 was the Korean War.

Where did the war located during the Korean war?

It was on the Korean Peninsula. That's why it is called the Korean War.