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beat him to death because in the next scene maria is scrubbing the floor from blood

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Q: What did lietenant kotler do to pavel?
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In The Boy in the Striped Pajamas what did kotler do to pavel when he spilt wine on his lap?

Kotler beat Pavel to death.

How does Pavel Die in the boy and the striped pajamas?

Pavel is killed when he drops a bottle of wine into Lieutenant Kotler's lap. In a bout of anger, Kotler kills him - though the book does not say how he died.

What catastrophe occurred during dinner when Pavel was refilling Lieutenant Kotler's wine glass?

The wine wasted in Lieutenant Kotler's lap.

Who did lt kotler kill in the boy in the striped pajamas?

In the book, Kotler does kill Pavel. However, it is not directly said that he was killed but he does not show up again after that incident. In the movie, Pavel's dead body is shown after Kotler drags him into the hall and kills him.

What does Lieutenant Kotler do to make Gretel and Bruno uncomfortable?

Lieutenant Kotler called Pavel a word that Bruno did not know most likely a cuss word.

Who kill pavel in the boy stripped pajama?

Pavel serves food to Bruno's family and is a waiter to them , but before he came to Auschwitz he was a doctor.

What is a summary for chapter 7 of The boy in the striped pajamas?

Lieutenant Kotler and Gretel talk. Pavel makes a swing and Bruno falls off. Pavel cleans the cut and the mum says thank you.

Why is Bruno surprised to find out pavel is a doctor in the boy in the striped pajamas?

Bruno is surprised beacause Pavel works in the kitchen

Why didnt Bruno speak up to defend shmuel in the boy in striped pajamas?

Bruno was terrified of Kotler as he had seen him beat up Pavel .

What reasons does Bruno have for disliking Lieutenant Kotler?

Because he thought he would get untroubled if he told the truth and he might get punished by receiving what pavel had gotten ( beat to death)

Why did Lieutenant Kotler bring Shmuel to the Commandant's house the day before the big event?

they needed someone with small hands to clean the cups and they needed some one instead of pavel(who was killed)

Who helps Bruno when his hurt in the boy striped pajamas?

pavel, the Jew who waits on them at the table, helps Bruno to find a tire, on the orders of Lieutenant Kotler, a nazi soldier