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enabled them to have a flying donkey with 1 leg and no ears

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Q: What did machined invented in the iron age enable people to do?
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What did machines invented in the Iron Age enable to do?

enabled them to have a flying donkey with 1 leg and no ears

Why was the curling iron invented?

what do you mean why was a curling iron invented? it was invented cuz we ned it in our lives and most people use it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did Iron become the main material for tools and weapons?

Iron was a strong, durable metal, It could be cast, machined, and would hold a cutting edge.

When was the electric iron invention?

When Was The Electric Iron Invented? When Was The Electric Iron Invented?

Who invented the iron to iron out wrinkles?

iron was invented in 1882 by Henry W. Seeley

Who invented iron and why does it have to go in cereal?

Nobody "invented" iron, it's an element, and people have known about it for thousands of years. Until recently, people could easily get enough iron from their food, and did not need suplements very often. By contrast, we now must add iron to our food (for example, cereal) in order to get enough iron for our blood to oxygenate.

Who invented the iron box?

The iron box was invented by Henry W. Seeley. This invention was invented in 1882. The iron box is called the clothes iron now a day!

Who invented iron tipped spear?

Ancient China had invented the first iron tipped spears.

What was the Model T ford made of?

Sheet steel, forged steel, machined steel, and cast iron and trimmed with leather,wood, and rubber

Who invented the Victorian iron?

jack love iron

Who invented the hot iron?

Well recently it was invented by a woman who works for Apple, hence the name iRon.

When invented the iron?

The iron was made by Henry Seeley in 1882. :)