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Q: What did medieval people do too reduce there time in purgatory?
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The people in the renaisance were tired of the views and the ideas of the medieval time, and thought the medieval people had a pessimistic view on things.

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What types of people were there in medieval time?

In medieval times there were all type of people, just like today. There were:farmerscraftsmenbakerslawyersbureaucratsgovernment leaders (nobles)soldiers and generalswindlers and thievesmurdersmerchantsexplorers

What do Catholics wear to bypass Purgatory?

Clothing has no effect on whether or not you have to spend time in Purgatory. You will have no need for clothing anyway as you will be a pure spirit.

What did Catholic people pay to stay out of purgatory?

To stay out of purgatory, Catholics paid an "indulgence". Indulgences reduced time in Purgatory for sins that are already forgiven, they didn't necessarily keep you completely out of Purgatory. Also, the giving of money [meant as alms for the poor, but at one point was taken by the clergy (even then it wasn't an approved practice and was considered Simony)] to receive an Indulgence was stopped by Pope Pius V in 1567.

What did the medieval people use to make the clothes?

People used different materials during different time eras. In the medieval times, people used cotton, silk and burlap as a clothing source.

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What started with a b in the Medieval time?

Bards were musicians who sang about the deeds of people.

Was William the Conqueror in the medieval time?

Yes he was in the Medieval time period