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Melinda encountered Andy Evans in the parking lot and he attempted to kiss her against her will. She resisted his advances and was deeply uncomfortable in his presence due to an earlier traumatic incident involving Andy at a party.

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Q: What did melinda enconter you the parking lot with andy evans?
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In the book speak who is it?

"IT" is Andy "Beast", or Andy Evans, the guy who attacked Melinda.

What did Rachel do when Melinda told her what Andy Evans did to her during the summer?

she doesnt believe melinda she thinks that she is jealous about her going out with andy

What literary allusion does melinda make when she describes her encounter with Andy evans in the parking lot in the book speak?

In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda describes her encounter with Andy Evans in the parking lot by comparing it to the Greek myth of Perseus and Medusa, where Medusa is turned into stone when Perseus shows her her own reflection. Melinda uses this allusion to convey the power dynamics and sense of helplessness she feels in the moment.

Who is Andy Evans going out with in the novel Speak?

Melinda's ex-friend Rachelle.

What are some quotes from the book speak?

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Why does Melinda compare herself to a bunny when she encounters Andy Evans on the street?

Melinda compares herself to a bunny when she encounters Andy Evans on the street to show that she feels vulnerable, scared, and threatened by him, much like how a defenseless bunny would feel in the presence of a predator. It highlights Melinda's fear and powerlessness in the situation.

Why is Melinda nervous about telling Rachel about Andy Evans?

Melinda is nervous about telling Rachel about Andy Evans because Andy raped Melinda at a party over the summer, and she is afraid of how Rachel will react. Melinda is worried that Rachel may not believe her or may blame her for what happened, so she is hesitant to share her traumatic experience.

Who is the character Andy Evans in the book speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?

melinda's rapist

What was Andy Evans nickname in Speak?

Andy Evans' nickname in "Speak" was "IT." He was given this nickname by Melinda after he assaulted her at a party.

Who was Andy Evans?

Andy Evans was a senior who raped melinda sordino in the book speak at an end of the summer part right before melinda started high school. She often refers to him as IT or The Beast in the book. Its an awsome book, i would read it.

What happend at the party in Speak by Laurie Halse Anderdson?

Melinda Sordino was raped by Andy Evans, the popular Senior Jock in Melinda's new High School.

Who was Andy Evans in Speak?

Andy Evans, also known as "IT", is a popular senior at Melinda's high school in the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. He is the antagonist who sexually assaults Melinda at a party, leaving her traumatized and unable to speak about the incident.