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They wore robes or "dresses", called togas, and shirts called tunics. Men and women dressed similarly. It is commonly thought that women wore headdresses too.

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They wore cloaks to keep them from getting hot while working and sandals.

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Men and women would wear clothes during Jesus time.

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Q: What did the people of Jerusalem wear during Jesus' time?
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Who constructed the temple in Jerusalem during Jesus time?

King Soloman

What was situated in the middle of Jerusalem during the time of Jesus?

Solomons temple

What language was spoken in Jerusalem during Jesus' time?

Aramaic, Ancient Greek, and Latin would have been the dominant languages in Jerusalem during Jesus' life.

Why did Simon of Cyrene come to Jerusalem at the time the crucifixion of Jesus?

Simon of Cyrene happened to be in Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus. It is not explicitly stated why he was there, but it was likely due to his religious pilgrimage for the Jewish festival of Passover. It was a common practice for Jews to travel to Jerusalem during this time.

What province was Jerusalem in at the time of Jesus?

Jerusalem was in the Roman province of Judea.

Jerusalem and second coming of Christ?

When Jesus comes a second time there will be a new Jerusalem.

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Who was the zelts at the time of jesus?

The Zelts were a group during the roman rule of Jerusalem, that revolted against the Roman occupants using violence.

What is the capital of judea in jesus time?

The capital of Judea was Jerusalem.

Who spread the word of Jesus to all awaiting redemption in Jerusalem?

It was the prophetess Anna, spread the word of Jesus to all waiting for the redemption in/of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was a famous city. It was a place of pilgrim for the Jews and Gentiles. People of different choices and interests were living in it. But there was a group of people who were devout, righteous, living in the temple and very regularly attending during the time of prayer and worship. These group of people were eagerly waiting for the coming of Messiah. They had the hope that Christ will redeem them as well as Jerusalem. Redemption of Jerusalem was from the rule of Romans. It was from outward religiosity of the spiritual leaders. It was from the heavy burden upon ordinary people from in the name of customs and rituals.