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because all of the other nations fielded him<--------Whoever wrote this is incorrect it has nothing to do with nations it has to do with the Periodic Table and why his first version was incomplete, but later on was corrected by Moseley.

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11y ago

Mendeleev predicted the discovery of other elements and left space for these new elements, namely eka-silicon (germanium), eka-aluminium (gallium), and eka-boron (scandium). Thus, there was no disturbance in the periodic table.

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14y ago

He didn't know that there was going to be any more elements be he left caps in some just in case then later on in the years the periodic table was changed

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12y ago

He predicted their properties and placed them where he believed they fit in his periodic table.

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Q: What did mendeleev docfor elements that had not yet been discovered?
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What group of elements did Mendeleev omit?

i have no idea but i will check and keep you posted.

What describes why Mendeleev succeeded where others failed?

Mendeleev realized that some elements had not been discovered.

How many blank spaces did Mendeleev leave in the periodic table which represented elements that had not yet been discovered?

Mendeleev left gaps for eight elements in his periodic table that were yet to be discovered. These gaps eventually corresponded to the elements gallium, germanium, scandium, technetium, francium, and technetium.

Was Mendeleev's periodic table accurate enough that he was able to use it to predict the existence and several properties of certain elements that had not yet been discovered?

Mendeleev was able to predict the properties of the elements that were not discovered at that time. He left gaps for these elements in his Periodic Table.

How many elements had been discovered and reported in scientific literature by 1869 when Mendeleev developed his periodic table?

By 1869, a total of 63 elements had been discovered and reported in the scientific literature. These elements formed the basis for Mendeleev's development of the periodic table.

What led Mendeleev to predict some elements had not yet been discovered?

the large gaps

Which describes why Mendeleev succeeded where other failed?

He realized that some elements had not been discovered.

How could Mendeleev predict the properties of elements that had yet not been discovered?

He used the difference method

What do the long dashes represent on mendeleev's periodic table?

The long dashes on Mendeleev's periodic table represent gaps where elements had not yet been discovered but were predicted to exist based on the periodic pattern of elements. Mendeleev used these gaps to accurately predict the properties of the missing elements, leading to the discovery of new elements.

How was Mendeleev's periodic table validated?

The confirmation is that new elements discovered have been correctly inserted in table.

What led Mendeleev to predict that some elements had not yet been discovered?

Mendeleev discovered gaps in his periodic table where elements should logically fit based on their properties and atomic weights. He predicted that these missing elements would eventually be discovered because there were clear patterns in the properties of known elements that suggested the existence of undiscovered elements to complete the table.

What was Mendeleev's contribution to the knowledge of elements?

When making his periodic table Mendeleev noticed some spaces where elements should be couldn't be filled. He didn't want to force elements that didn't belong there to go there, so he believed the spaces were undiscovered elements. He left the names blank but predicted their properties. Later the elements Mendeleev predicted existed were discovered.