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Q: What did most Americans think of president Hoovers efforts to end the depression?
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How did the economy respond to hoovers efforts?

Hoover bailed out the failing banks and big businesses with Federal money. The result was a market crash, and the Great Depression.

What were president Hoovers efforts to resolve the depression?

Hoover tried to combat the depression with public works projects including the Hoover Dam. He also used government enforced efforts, tariffs, and an increase in corporate taxes and taxes for the top tax bracket.

Which efforts was not made by president hoover to end the depression?

Do-nothing approach

What did president roosevelt mean when he said an abundant life?

President Roosevelt meant living life in its fullness when he said an abundant life. This was in his efforts to encourage people to participate in the recovery from the Great Depression.

Did President Franklin Roosevelt send out the Red Cross during the Great Depression?

I am not sure what you want to know. The Red Cross is a private relief organization. They are not under control of the President and they decide where to focus their relief efforts.

Did president hoover present a false or an accurate image of the depression to the american public?

President Hoover presented a more optimistic and inaccurate image of the Great Depression to the American public. He downplayed the severity of the economic crisis and emphasized the need for voluntary efforts and private initiative to solve the problems. This approach undermined public confidence and contributed to a lack of effective government intervention during the early years of the Depression.

How did president Hoover hope to end Depression and its hardships?

Hoover believed that the economy could correct itself if Americans remained confident, he also relied on voluntary actions from businesses to maintain this confidence. Lastly, he agreed to allow some government assistance to be used in efforts.

What is the purpose of rugged individualism speech?

The purpose of the rugged individualism speech by President Herbert Hoover was to emphasize self-reliance, hard work, and individual responsibility during the Great Depression. It aimed to inspire Americans to overcome challenges through their own efforts and to resist government intervention in economic matters.

What did Herbert Hoover propose as a solution for ailing Americans?

Hoover believed Americans should first of all have an efficiently run government that eliminated unnecessary waste. After the Great Depression hit, Hoover believed government enforced efforts via tariffs, an increase in taxes for the wealthy and corporations, and expanded public works would help ailing Americans. These efforts failed to sufficiently stimulate the economy.

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President Jackson supported Georgia's efforts to remove the Cherokee.

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Dwight D. Eisenhower did.