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wasabi - (what's up bee)

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Q: What did one bee say to another bee?
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Know any jokes that goes what did the bee say when?

Q: What did the bee say to the naughty bee? A: Bee-hive yourself!

You need a joke with this answer one is a bee the other is a tree?

When you need a joke to answer the question "One is a bee, the other is a tree" you can say "it's a pollination".

If a bumble bee stung another bumble bee what colour would its bum be?

If one bumble bee was stung by another it wouldn't change colour, but the chances are it would die. I think it might match the colour of a Humvee

What did the bee say to the bed?

Bee quiet. Or stop beeing annoying and stupid.

What is a bee pun that rhyme?

Q: Who is the bees favorite singer? A: Sting! Q: Who is the bees favorite pop group? A: The bee gees! Q: What do you get if you cross a bee with a skunk? A: An animal that stinks and stings! Q: What does a queen bee do when she burps? A: Issues a royal pardon! Q: How does a queen bee get around her hive? A: She's throne! Q: What does the bee Santa Claus say? A: Ho hum hum! Q: Why do bees hum? A: Because they've forgotten the words! Q: What kind of bees hum and drop things? A: A fumble bee! Q: What did the bee say to the flower? A: Hello honey! Q: What's a bees favorite flower? A: A bee-gonias!

How do you say the word bee in Spanish?

bee = abeja. queen bee = abejon

Why can you see two regular worker bees flying together with one directly on top of the other in a mating position when the queen bee is the only one that reproduces?

They only look like they are reproducing but they are not, they are just transfering pollen from one bee to another. Bee's have specific jobs in the hive, and one be may be a gathering bee while the other may be a bee that takes it back to the hive.

I need a joke with this answer a bee-open?

What does a boy bee say to a girl bee to do on Friday night? Bee-open

How do you make pollenated bee's on Lego mln?

go to another person's page and click for the flower patch module. Spend one worker bee.

How do you say bee in German?

The insect a "Bee" is "Biene" in German.

How do you say bee in Welsh?

The Welsh word for 'bee' is 'gwenynen'.

What did mama bee say to the baby bee about her math homework?

It better BEE done soon!