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The Sun (and all the planets) started their lives in a giant cloud of cold molecular gas and dust. And then about 4.6 billion years ago, something bumped into the cloud, like the gravity from a passing star, or shockwaves from a supernova, causing the cloud to collapse. With the collapse, the mutual gravity from the particles in the cloud pulled together, and formed pockets of denser material in the cloud. These were star forming regions, and one of them was to become the Solar System.

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Q: What did our sun look like before it was a star?
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What did our sun look like before it became a star?

As a protostar, it was likely a large (larger than it is now) ball of loose, perhaps faintly reddish glowing gas.

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The sun is a star.

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depends on how far away it is! Our sun, which is only 93 million miles away is a medium star.

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The Sun. If not for the Sun, we wouldn't ever look at any other star.

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the earth itself receives light from the sun. but it has the moon. the moon is the answer i think.