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Q: What did people call their children in the olden days?
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What do you call a person who makes people shoes?

Shoemaker (Or in olden days, a "cobbler")

What did people call money in the olden days?

Schillings, Pounds, Cash, Pennies

Are donkeys ass's?

In the olden days people would call donkeys ass's yes.

Why are people so strict in the olden days?

the answer is that people wanted their children to be smart and have good future lives

Why did people put pennies in their penny loafer shoes?

For a decorative touch but in the olden days it was also so school children could make an emergency call home.

What did the people in the Olden-Days have?

Please define "olden days" because each time had different things. To some people 1950 is the "olden days".

How many children were in 1 classroom in the olden days?

It depends on where in the world and how long ago you consider to be olden days.

How do people save in the olden days?

In the olden days there were no banks so people used to keep their money under their heads

What food were eaten in olden days at xhosa traditional weddings?

We the Xhosa people eat samp( umgqusho), we slaughter sheep and we have traditional beer(umqombhothi)

What did they call the toilet in the olden days?

In the "olden days", they didn't have toilets (I'm assuming you mean the porcelain fixture that you urinate and/or defecate into). Some terms that I'm aware of from when they were first becoming popular: sanitary facility, water closet, wc.

Why in the olden days do they call Robert bob?

because they just like o call them that