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Q: What did people get more interested in during the Renaissance?
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Why were people of the renaissance so interested in studying the dead?

to make their art more realistic

How the Middle Ages was a departure from the Renaissance?

Here is a quick answer. The middle ages was different from the renaissance because the renaissance was basicly a time when the arts music and science reawakened and had some advances to it. People were more interested about art, music, literature, and science in the renaissance. During the middle ages it was not as important to the people, so when the renaissance came the arts were kind of reintroduced to the people. The renaissance lasted from about 1300 to 1600.

Who were the most influential people during the renaissance?

There were quite a number of people who were most influential people during the renaissance. Some of these people include Desiderius, Martin Luther, Galileo, Michelangelo and many more.

Who were the most important people during the renaissance?

And Many More.. Heaps of websites if you look it up... look on google fascinating renaissance people. Hope it helps.

What conclusion can you draw about art before the Renaissance?

People/Citizens during the Renaissance should have been more introduced to art as a major subject/topic during that period of time.

What do the renaissance do?

The renaissance did a lot. It helped a lot of people learn to read and write. lots of inventions, great works of art, and books came from the renaissance. before the renaissance the barbarians came in and killed most people who had any form of knowledge. So when the people began to discover the ancient texts they were very interested, they wanted to learn more.

Was the renaissance an age in which individuals felt the value of their being?

Yes, the people started to analyze more about life such as from where did they come from. People started to get interested in Greek and Roman cultures.

Why do learning the arts flourished during the Renaissance?

Learning and the arts flourished during the renaissance because of trade and communication. It was easier and since there was good trade, there was a better economy which helped the people of the renaissance flourish and become more wealthy.

What do people find important during the renaissance?

New knowledge that was unheard of:ArtScientific DiscoveriesMathematicsReligious changesPublicationAnd many more.

How did the Medici family facilitate the Renaissance?

The medici family facilitated the Renaissance as they had the wealth and power. They brought art and architecture, and introduced it to the people during the Medieval Period. This led to more knowledge which also led to the Renaissance. :)

Overall how did idea's change during the scientific revolution?

People learned to use observation to come to conclusions.People questioned long-accepted views. People became more interested in evidencePeople became more interested in evidence

Machiavelli and Thomas More were famous what during the Renaissance?
