

What did people play with during the Korean War in Korea?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What did people play with during the Korean War in Korea?
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umm... Koreans. But Americans play too. Thing is the time is different in Korea and U.S. So people will not much be there if you r in U.S

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Yes, all of those had a role. China in support of North Korea and the US and Japan in support of South Korea.

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Korean front This dude says Korean front when MacArthur was fighting in the pacific against Japan... MacArthur did play a part in Korea but that was during the Korean War not World War 2. So the Japanese front

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Member countries of the UN supplied troops and war materials to aid South Korea.

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Think of it this way, what role did Nazism and Facism play in WW2? The NK were the Communists while the SK were the capitalists. Two sides, two ideals, countless lives.

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