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Q: What did people use before the iron?
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Did native americans know iron before the europeon colonization-?

No, because they were isolated, Native Americans did not know of the use of iron before the European colonization. People in Europe, Africa, and Asia found many uses for iron long before Native Americans.

Why are iron objects painted before use?

Iron objects are painted before use to prevent them from rusting. Paint does not let the moisture to get inside it and prevent iron's quality from rusting.

How many people use iron every day?

About 12,000 people use iron every week. Wether it's cooking, grocery shopping, planting a flower ect. People use a lot of iron!

Who were the scientists who discovered iron?

Iron was discovered long before we had people who could be called scientists.

How did women use to iron clothes?

Before electric irons, people used to have an iron with a handle at the top. The iron was hollow and a hole at the back allowed the user to pour hot water in, so that the iron was heated up. Alternatively the iron was placed on top of a stove to heat up before being used - I remember my grandmother using both these methods in Ireland.

How did cultures use iron to conquer other people or to advance their civilization?

They used the plentiful iron to make more iron weapons, allowing more people to use the weapons on other people. Thus, advancing their civilization.

Do people still use iron to make weapons in the modern world like today?

yes they use iron

Why was bronze use before iron?

Bronze was used before Iron because it was easier to find, mine, and mold to the uses that they needed. People did not have the technology or the wherewithal to mine, use, or sustain Iron ore in the mainstream economy. The primary reason Bronze was used in toolmaking well before Iron has to do with the fact that Iron melts at a much higher temperature than either Tin or Copper (the component metals in Bronze). Both Tin and Copper can be melted at temperatures obtainable by wood fires, while Iron requires special "boosted" fires based on charcoal or coal. The understanding of how to create these very-high-temperature fires is critical to the use of iron; thus, Iron was not used until someone was able to invent such higher-temperature fires.

Who were the first people in near eastern culture to master iron working?

The Hattians in Anatolia had iron weapons by 2,500 BCE, well before it came into common use to replace bronze in the 12th Century BCE.

Which Indo-European language speakers were the first to use iron?

The Hittites were the first of the Indo-European people to use iron.

Why do people use iron to make things?

people use iron to make things because it is really expensive and really soft. This means that it is really great coz people use up loads of money buying it when it does nothing.

Why did people use iron weapons?

well people used iron to make weapons cause of they needed something to make weapons out of the suddenly a group of people found iron and a use of it. so they needed to be protect so they carved iron and make it there very own weapon. I KNOW THAT I WOULD ;D