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He called for "peace without victory".

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Q: What did president Wilson do as an result of sinking of lusitania?
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What was the result of sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram?

The United States entered World War I, opposing the Germans.

What was one result of president harry Truman demobilization in 1946?

What was one result of president Harry Truman demobilization in 1946

What can you learn from the war?

It's often said that President Wilson failed to convince large sections of the electorate of the case for fighting. As a result many Americans became very isolationist ...

How mite Germany have prevented World War 1?

With the conflict between Germany and France fighting over Europe, World War I began, especially due to the tension created from the result of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Germany wanted power and dominance over Europe, while France was looking for equivalency of power. America then got involved in order to make sure that no country would gain total control over Europe to prevent any threats to the United States security and economy. The United States began to support Allies by increasing trade and also beginning to lend money with them. The declaration of war on Germany in 1917 was mostly influenced by German naval policy, although American economic interest and Woodrow Wilson's idealism did portray a part. On February 1915, Germans created a submarine blockade in the British Empire's Ocean's, sinking several belligerent ships, which included the Lusitania. The United States then threatened the German Government causing them to back down. Later in February of 1917, Germany then declared unrestricted submarine warfare threatening the ideals of neutrality, commerce and security. The German U-Boats wanted to sink supply ships in order to starve the Britain islands of their goods. The German's naval policy was the major reason why the United States declared war on Germany. The sinking of the Lusitania was the biggest influence of American in WWI. It was so much of an influence that it was said without the sinking of the Lusitania, the United States most likely would not of entered the war. Another reason for the entrance in the war was the American economic interest. Although it did influence the entrance of the United States in the war, it did not have such an impact that the German naval policy displayed. The United States had big economic investments with countries that were involved in the war such as Britain and France. If the United States would of lost these investments, they would not of been able to pay the debt back of two million dollars. If Allies would not of been able to pay back loans made by American bankers, the United State's economy could of collapses. France and England were financing their war with American loans and buying mass amounts of firearms from the United States on credit. The United States wanted to make sure they got paid back. America then made sure that the Allies won in order to prevent the collapses of their economy, even if it mean entering the war themselves. Woodrow Wilson's ideals also played a role of America's decision to declare war on Germany. Wilson wanted to make the world safe for democracy and addressed this through his War Address to Congress. From Germany sinking the Lusitania, American's grew hatred towards Germany, hence giving Wilson the motivation to declare war on Germany. Although the German naval policy was the most influence on the war, it was not the only part. America also joined the war efforts in order to fight for the freedom against Germany. The United States may have let the Lusitania go down in history without a fight, but a moral sense had developed in Britain and France giving the United States motivation to declare war on Germany. The German naval policy, American economic interest and Woodrow Wilson's idealism may have all caused the United States to declare war on Germany, but the major reason as to why war was declared onto Germany was the German naval policy. Without the dominance of German's in the British Isles trying to prevent goods from entering and the sinking of the Lusitania, the United States could not help but fight in the war efforts with all of the motivation created from the hatred towards the Germans.

What were a series of proposals drawn up by President Wilson outlining his goals for a just and lasting peace?

The Fourteen Points were a series of proposals drawn up by President Wilson that outlined his goals for a just and lasting peace. They were used as the basis for Treaty of Versailles which ended World War I.

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What was the result of sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram?

The United States entered World War I, opposing the Germans.

How long was the lusitania?

It took 55 minutes for the great liner to sink after hitting a mine in the Mediterranean Sea. The reason for sinking so fast was the result of the nurses onboard, who kept the portholes open to keep injured soldiers ventilated, forgetting to shut the open windows resulted in faster flooding.

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What was the result of the attack on the Lusitania?

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He had To stop his effort to win support for the league of nations

Reasons for U.S citizens entry into World War 1?

The US entered into the war as a result of the sinking of the Lusitania with American citizens on board. They had tried a policy of isolationism, ignoring what was going on. Many Americans went into the service of other countries to fight the Germans.

When the war first broke out in Europe in 1914 president Wilson refused to trade with either side?

In fact, when war started in 1914, the USA traded with both the Allied and the Central Powers in order to make as much money as possible. As a result of German submarines sinking civilian ships, the USA favored the Allied nations winning the war.

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Both countries were on the brink of war. See related questions.

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Spanish-American War

What is true about both presidents Roosevelt and Wilson?

Theodore Roosevelt became president as a result of the assassination of William McKinley. Woodrow Wilson was president of the United States during World War I.

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The Republican vote was divided between Taft and Roosevelt, which allowed Democrat Woodrow Wilson to win. Similar outcomes occurred in 1992 and 2000.