

What did serf give knights?

Updated: 4/6/2022
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Q: What did serf give knights?
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What is a feudal hierarchy?

Nobility (king, knights) Church Peasants Serf/slave

What was the hierarchy in the old regime?

king, nobles/lords, knights, peasants, serf

What were the 4 classes of feudalism in the medieval times?

serf, nobles, kings, knights!! i think! :)

Is a serf higher than a knight?

No, a serf was a good deal lower than a knight. A serf was an agricultural worker who was bound to the land he lived on and was not allowed to leave it. A serf was not a slave, because he could not be purchased or sold, but he was also not free to leave the place where he lived. The knights were the lowest level of nobility. They were at a higher status than freemen, who were at a higher status than serfs.

What were the different levels of society during the middle ages and how were they determined?

King, Clergy, Nobles, Knights, Bourgeois, Peasant, Serf, Slaves

Who was a serf on the manor?

A serf was a person who was frequently forced to work on a plot of land,in castles etc during the medieval period when Europe practiced feudalism (war mongering). Serfs were also considered servants of the lords and or knights of the time.

What do lords do for the knights?

the lords give the knights power

What The Emancipation Manifesto signed by Czar Alexander II .?

give serf land

What did the knights give the lord?

The lords provided knights with food & land.

What did the lords give the knights?

The lords provided knights with food & land.

What did the knights give to the lords?

The lords provided knights with food & land.

What did the knights have to do for the serfs?

Knights were responsible for protecting the serfs and the land they lived on from invading forces. They also collected taxes and ensured order and justice within their domain. Additionally, knights may have provided some basic services and resources to the serfs in exchange for their labor on the land.