

What did spartan girls have to do?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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the spartans girls was mostly just for making babys.

the spartans was all about war so thay need some way to get more soldiers. thay took the babys away from ther moms at the age of 7 (the mom are not loveing to ther babys boys there are just for war) so thay can start traning boys turn 20 there finely done and thay go to war . so the girls just stay home and make babys and take care of the home and thay may have to fight off any men that may whant to take her for the wife when to man of the home is not there so thay know how to fight

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Spartan girls were taught physical fitness, self-defense, and basic education to prepare them for motherhood and running a household. They were encouraged to engage in activities like sports and dancing to maintain good health and be productive citizens in Spartan society.

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If xstone count as a toy. Then, yeah they did. As a matter of fact even spartan girls have had teddy bears :P

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yes- they went to a type of "agoge" like the spartan boys but they did not focus on military. they did wrestling and gymnastics and various calisthenics

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Spartan girls learned how to run,wrestle and play javelin!

What Spartan girls trained and competed in wrestling and spear throwing in order to become which?

defenders of their homes

How were Spartan girls different from other Greek girls?

In most city-states, the place of females was in the home cleaning, spinning and gardening vegetables, looking after chickens and milking goats. Their future was in bearing and raising children. A Spartan family was supported by the output of the serf population, and the girls were free to engage in athletics an sports and a degree of general education.

What education did boys and girls have in Sparta?

Athenian children were usually raised in a more laid-back method. Most were schooled when they were young. Spartan boys were raised to be warriors. They would learn to fight at a young age and would be sent to military academy until they reached the maximum age. Once they reached the maximum age, they would be required to join the army. If one was weak, he was left to die on a cliff or mountain.

What age did the Spartan girls start schooling?

they did not. Boys went to military training at the age of 7. Girls had no education at all. They stayed indoors and did household work, and didnt get out much at all.

How was life like for a young spartan girl?

girls like boys were trained in basic combat ,survival- skills, and gymnastic wrestling.

Did spartan girls ever fight?

Not in war, but they did train vigorously to prepare for child birth, and to defend the city if the Professional army was away.