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Q: What did sutton observe about the relative numbers of chromosomes?
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What did Sutton observe about the relative numbers of chromosomes in the body cells and sex cells of grasshoppers?

body cells of a grasshopper has 24 chromosomes and 12 chromosomes in the sex cells so as many body cell chromosomes you have you will have half that number of chromosomes in your sex cells.

What did Walter Sutton observe?

he observed that grasshopper body cells and sex cells have the same number of chromosomes

What is the purpose Walter sutton studying chromosomes?

Walter Sutton studied giant chromosomes in grasshoppers.

How do Suttons observations about chromosome numbers support the chromosomes theory of inheritance?

The Sutton's observation about chromosomes number support the chromosomes theory of inheritance because according to Sutton each sex cell had half the number of chromosomes as a body cell, which means that the offspring gets one allele from pair from each parent.

Sutton proposed that are located on chromosomes.?


How do Sutton's observations about chromosome support the chromosome theory of inheritance?

Sutton's theory is that chromosomes have something to do with the inheritance of traits of their parents. His observation is that grass hoppers have 24 chromosomes but their sex cells only have 12

WS Sutton proposed that the genes are located on?


What was Walter sutton's proposal?

Genes are located on chromosomes

What was Walter Sutton's important proposal?

Genes are located on chromosomes

What did sutton study?

He studied grasshoppers, well the number of chromosomes in a grasshopper. grasshoppers contain about 24 chromosomes.

What did Walter sutton discover about the relationship between alleles and chromosomes?


What contribution did Walter sutton make to genetics?

Walter Sutton was a U.S. geneticist who provided the first evidence that chromosomes carry the units of inheritance and occurs in distinct pairs.