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the Japanese didn't lose very much because they attacked with surprise and the us was unsuspecting so they lost a lot

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Q: What did the Americans and Japanese lose after the pearl harbor battle?
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Destoryed Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese bombed us, the Americans at Pearl Harbor.

Who played a key role in Pearl Harbor battle?

pearl harbor was not really a battle is was more of an attack by the Japanese on the naval fleets that were stationed in pearl harbor.

How many killed at Pearl Harbor?

The dead at the Battle of Pearl harbour were: Americans: 2,402 Japanese: 64

Who attacked the Americans in pearl harbor?

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour.

What group of people were Americans suspicious about after Pearl Harbor?

Japanese Americans.

What did Americans destroy the attack of Pearl Harbor?

Americans did not destroy anything in Pearl Harbor, aside from Japanese aircraft in self-defense. The USA was the victim of the Pearl Harbor attacks.

How did the Japanese attack the Americans in Pearl Harbor?

They flew in and bombed them

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What was the Japanese army's goal in bombing Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese NAVY's goal was the elimination of the US Battle Fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor. The Japanese ARMY was not involved.

Where were Japanese Americans placed after pearl harbor?

See: Japanese American internment camps

What was the Japanese approach on attacking Pearl Harbor?

Eliminate the US Battle Fleet at Pearl Harbor with ONE swift stroke.

What event brought US into World war two?

The Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.