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Q: What did the Americans won a victory at what in Maryland?
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After the Treaty of Ghent had been signed the Americans won a victory at where?

New Orleans in early January of 1815!

What president promised a new deal for Americans in 1933?

FDR won a landslide victory on the strength of The New Deal.

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The Americans lost to the British and Native American forces, therefore it was a British victory

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The Continental Army contributed to the victory because it gave additional troops that won by unconventional methods in battle

How did patriots victory in the Americans revolution affect native Americans?

The victory of the Colonists over the British in the Revolutionary war was a disaster for the Native Americans. The British promised the Native Americans that the Colonists would not go farther west than they already were, in order to get help from the Native Americans to defeat the French in the French and Indian War. After they won the won, the newly formed USA tore up the treaties and took land from the Native Americans and forced the Native Americans to move farther west or north to Canada.

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The Battle of Frenchtown was a devastating defeat for the Americans in the War of 1812, therefore it was a British/Native American victory

How were the Americans able to win such an overwhelming victory in Trenton?

they killed everyone and won smarts by patrece stokes

Who won the battle of the coral sea?

Who won in the Battle of the Coral Sea?The Japanese won a tactical naval victory when they sank the American carrier Lexington and heavily damaged the Yorktown. Despite their losses, the Americans won a strategic victory by forcing the Japanese fleet to turn around and preventing the invasion of Port Moresby, New Guinea.