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they tried to spread the word about God but were executed like Jesus. once though, one of the main people who hated christians was called upon by God and blinded, and God sent him to a main christians home. but i read it in the NIV Bible, so it may not be what you are talking about.

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Q: What did the Christians try to accomplish during the Crusades?
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What were the crusades trying to accomplish?

hi, the crusades were to try and regain the cuppy cupcakes from the poo monster.

Why did the Holy crusades occur?

The Holy Crusades occurred so that the Christians could win the Holy Land back from the Muslims. Although the Crusades failed, they brought England out of the age of knights in shinning armor and lots of other things. Try looking it up in encyclopedia for more information.

Who went on the Crusades and why?

Mostly knights and soldiers went on the Crusades. In the Children's Crusades (1202) England sent children to try and capture Jerusalem, but they never returned. But in most of the Crusades Knights and soldiers went with their huge armies to go and fight the Muslims so they could get Jerusalem(the Holy Land) back, and they thought that the Muslim religion was wrong.

How did the Crusades benefit European explorers?

The crusades were responsible for the loss of trade from China through the middle east. So people wanted their spices and silks and were willing to try going west to get to China.

Why did the Crusades attack?

They attacked to try and take Jerusalem. The Crusades resulted as a reaction of Muslim aggression against the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantines). The Muslims were running constant aggressive conquest campaigns on Christian lands as part of their imperialistic expansion. In 638 the Muslims conquered Jerusalem - the holy land where Jews and Christians would pilgrimage to. The Christian pilgrims to there were persecuted by the Muslims greatly. Over 60 Christian pilgrims were crucified in one short period by the Muslims. A Muslim governor of Caesarea in the 8th Century often seized pilgrims, one large group from Iconium was seized and they were all executed as spies (except for some that chose to convert to Islam instead of facing the sword). Muslims would ransack the churches if the pilgrims didn't pay protection money. Christian iconography and crosses were banned by the Muslims so many churches were pillaged and defaced. Caliph Mansur (around the 8th Century) ordered that the hands of all Christians and Jews be stamped with a distinctive symbol which helped them be 'humiliated' and identified for paying of the Jizzya (tax for being Christian). Converts to Christianity were executed (such as the ex-Muslim monk in 789). Churches and monasteries conquered by the Muslims were plundered and monks and clergy were often murdered such as Saint Theodosius monastery in Bethlehem. By the start of the 9th Century most Christians fled from their hometown to Christian cities such as Constantinople that were still under the Byzantines. In 937 during Easter celebrations, specifically Palm Sunday, Muslims rampaged through Jerusalem against the Christians and destroyed their churches including Church of Calvary and the Church of the Resurrection. It wasn't until the 960's (up to 200 years later) than the Christians actually reacted to this violence and persecution. Cities taken by force such as Crete, Cilicia, Cyprus, Antioch and even parts of Syria were reconquered by the Christians. In 974 the Muslims then launched an official offensive under Sunni Caliph Abbasid against the Byzantines. The campaign of Muslims against the Christians lasted for around 30 more years until a short ceasfire while the Muslims fought against themselves. Then at the beginning of the 11th Century the Muslims again started their offensive against the Christians under Abu 'Ali al-Mansur al-Hakim and this was taken out on the average Christian. Churches were burnt, church property was seized. Over the first 10 years of the 11th Century over 30,000 churches were destroyed by the Muslim aggressors. They even destroyed the Church of the Holy Sepulcher - the traditional site marking were Christ was buried. The Caliph ordered the tomb be destroyed. All the Christians and Jews of Jerusalem (and other Muslim territories) were forced to wear heavy crosses and wooden calves around their neck. It wasn't until 1021 that this persecution decreased. In 1056 hundreds of Christians were expelled from Jerusalem and European Christians were blocked from the pilgrimage to the city. On entering Jerusalem in 1077 3000 Jews and Christians were murdered by the Muslim invaders. Then we get to where the story you quoted began - in response to the calls for help by the Christians persecuted throughout the Middle East and former Byzantine Empire territories the Western Church sent help.

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What were the crusades trying to accomplish?

hi, the crusades were to try and regain the cuppy cupcakes from the poo monster.

Why did the Crusades occur?

The Holy Crusades occurred so that the Christians could win the Holy Land back from the Muslims. Although the Crusades failed, they brought England out of the age of knights in shinning armor and lots of other things. Try looking it up in encyclopedia for more information.

Why did the Holy crusades occur?

The Holy Crusades occurred so that the Christians could win the Holy Land back from the Muslims. Although the Crusades failed, they brought England out of the age of knights in shinning armor and lots of other things. Try looking it up in encyclopedia for more information.

Were Jews ever killed by Catholics?

Yes, most notably during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition..Catholic AnswerThere have indeed been many incidents throughout history of individual Christians killing Jews, but the Church has never sanctioned this. The Crusades were against the Muslims to liberate the Holy Land from Islam agression and control. The Spanish Inquisition had no authority whatsoever to even try Jews, they only had authority over those who were baptised Christians.

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Two main religious groups involved in the Crusades were Christians and Muslims. Christians sought to reclaim the Holy Land, particularly Jerusalem, which was under Muslim control. The Muslims, on the other hand, defended their territories and religious beliefs against Christian invaders.

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