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both evolved fighting

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Monserrate Heidenrei...

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Q: What did the English civil war and French Revolution have in common?
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Related questions

How did the English revolution impact the American and the French Revolution?

it provided French citizens with a successful model for a new form of government

Why did the Revolution begin with the english civil war and the french revolution?

The question is unanswerable unless the particular revolution is specified.

What are 3 comparisons between the English civil war and the French revolution?

The English Civil War and the French revolution were similar in that they both involved regicide and a short-lived dictatorship. The dictators were Cromwell and Robespierre, respectively.

How did the English civil war and the french and American revolution help make democratic principles?

They didnt ;)

Which came first the civil war or french revolution?

French revolution was in the 1790's, the Civil War was in the 1860's. Figure it out.

Who did the French battle in the French revolution?

themselves... it was a civil war

Was the English Civil War a revolution?


How many french soldiers from the Civil War are buried in US?

There were no french in the civil war their are some in the revolution though.

Why is Louisiana law different from other states?

Its foundation is based not on English common law but on Roman Law and a mixture of French, German and Spanish law instead.

How were the french and American revolution alike and different?

The French revolution was a class struggle and social revolution similar to a civil war. The American revolution was a colonial insurrection in which the colonies were fighting for autonomy.

How was the civil was different from the American revolution?

the difference is that Abraham Lincoln was in the civil war and the American revolution was the 13 colonies vs the English

US law is a hybrid of French Common Law and Greek Civil Law both framed by our constitution?

No, the basis of US law is the English common law.