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Kaia Paucek

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Q: What did the Franciscans do that helped change California from a hunter gather economy to a agricultural economy?
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How did the Franciscans change California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

by converting California Indians to Catholicism.

What did the Franciscans do that helped change California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

The Franciscans established missions in California where they taught Native Americans new agricultural techniques and introduced crops such as wheat, corn, and grapes. They also provided a stable source of food, shelter, and work which encouraged many Native Americans to settle near the missions and learn agricultural practices, thus transitioning from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural one.

How did Franciscans help change California from a hunter gather economy to agricultural economy?

by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

How did Franciscans help change California from a hunter gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

How did the franciscan help change California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agriculture economy?

by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

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The Franciscans and the Dominicans

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Terrible BUT it will get a lot worse because of the "CHANGE"

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In 1793, Eli Whitney came out with his invention, the cotton gin. This revolutionized the way the South was able to function as an agricultural region.

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Under United States Labor Law, the National Labor Relations Board has no jurisdiction over agricultural workers. This goes a long way to explain why so many agricultural workers have such poor lives in the United States. Largely as a result of Caesar Chavez' work, in 1975 California passed the Agrcultural Labor Relations Act. As a result, in the State of California, agricultural workers have rights that they do not have in other states.

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Economy needed to change.

Did the gold rush transform the California economy overnight?

Not really, but it did change California a lot. roads, towns, churches, and school. especially in San Francisco that grew from a small settlement to a big one, that was in the year 1846 to 1852.

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Over population and climate change are the greatest threats to agricultural sustainablility.