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Q: What did the Harappans use cotton for?
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The Harappans were the earliest known people to grow what?

The Harappans were the earliest people to grow COTTON. They spun the cotton and wove it into cloth. Other plants that the Harappans cultivated were barley, wheat, peas, melons, and dates.

What are the reasources in the Harappans?

Harappans were able to get tin from Southeast Asia and gold from the Himalayas. They got carnelian beads from Gujarat. Crops that they grew themselves included wheat, peas, cotton and dates. They had dairy cattle and goats also.

Harappan culture shows evidence of all except?

Harappans did not use iron.

What did the harappans trade and sell?

The Harappans produced and traded gold, silver, tin, bronze, copper, cotton cloth, wheat, peas, cattle, goats and ceramic objects such as roof tiles, jars and bricks.

What were 2 ways the Indus River affected the Harappans?

They killed the Harappans because of flooding,

Why are the Harappans important?

The Harappans were important because they developed an early form of south Asian writing, and they had a high civilization with a good standard of living, central government, agriculture, irrigation and sewage systems, and trade with other early civilizations such as Sumer. They shipped copper, cotton, stone beads and tin to many ports in the ancient world.

What items did harappans trade with people's in the region?

The Harappans traded gold, silver, clothes, and animals. :D

What did the harappans get from trading?


Who conquered the harappans?


How did the harappans dress?

the harappans had two piece had something like a dhoti and women wore a kind of sari.

Discuss Harappans contribution in the field of development of urban culture?

discuss Harappans contribution in the field of development of urban culture?

Why did the harappans make contact with people far from India?

Harappans used ships to carry freight to Sumer and Egypt.