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They probably used bows, arrows, or spears.

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11y ago
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9y ago

The Hupa used primitive tools like sticks, pangas and hoe to work on their garden. The tools helped them make their work easier.

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15y ago

They traded acorns, obsidian, and Island foods.

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9y ago

The men and women of the Hupa tribe wore deerskin. The men wore painted deerskin and moccasins. The women wore skirts with fringe along the bottom.

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10y ago

what materials were used to make hupa bows ,arrows, and short spears

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Who did Hupa trade with?

They traded with the Yurok tribe

what did the hupa tribe trade for?

The Hupa traded acorns and other goods for canoes the Yurok made from red cedar. The region that the Hupa lived in was more plentiful with acorns than the Yuroks territory (Wallace). They also shared their style of housing

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California Hupa indians used chainsaws and magical things that produced sparks that set fire to children and killed them.

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What kind of food did the Hupa Tribe eat?

The Hupa Indians ate a wide variety of foods. This included animal meat, fish, acorns, fruits, and several other things.

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Most things traded for was chawski mmmm:)

What were the Hupa good at?

the hupa were good at weaving baskets

What is the clothing of the hupa tribe?

The traditional clothing of the Hupa tribe includes buckskin clothing decorated with beads, shells, and feathers. Men often wore breechcloth and moccasins, while women wore skirts and shirts. Special occasions called for more elaborate outfits adorned with ornaments and intricate designs.

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The things that were traded were gold and salt