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The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.

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Q: What did the Kansas Nebraska act give voters in the Kansas and Nebraska territories the right to do?
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Why did senator Stephen Douglas introduce the Kansas Nebraska act?

The main purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was to give voters in each of the two territories the right to vote on whether slavery would be allowed before the territories applied for statehood.

What were some Parts of the Kansas Nebraska act?

# It created Kansas Territory. # It created Nebraska Territory. # It established the right of the settlers in those territories to make their own determination on the issue of slavery. # It made possible further westward expansion including a transcontinental railroad.

Why did Douglas write the Kansas Nebraska Act?

The initial purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to create opportunities for a Transcontinental Railroad. The Kansas-Nebraska Act failed because it did not end the national conflict over slavery. Antislavery forces viewed the statute as a capitulation to the South, and many abandoned the Whig and Democratic parties to form the Republican Party. Kansas soon became a battleground over slavery.

What were the major parts of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act served to negate the principles laid down in the Missouri Compromise of 1820. It allowed the residents of Kansas and Nebraska to vote on whether to be free or slave states.

What right did states get through the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

popular sovereignty

Describe the Kansas-Nebraska act?

Answer 1the Kansas Nebraska Act was passed to nullify the Missouri Compromise. This made it so that the territories that the U.S.A. acquired from Mexico could decide whether or not they were going to allow slavery. This was contrary to the Missouri Compromise, which stated that any state south of a certain line, was allowed to have states and any state above the line was not allowed to have slaves.Answer 2In United States history, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries. The initial purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to create opportunities for a Mideastern Transcontinental Railroad. It was not problematic until popular sovereignty was written into the proposal. The act was designed by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. The act established that settlers could vote to decide whether to allow slavery, in the name of "popular sovereignty" or rule of the people. Douglas hoped it would ease relations in both North and South, because the South could expand slavery to new territories but the North still had the right to abolish slavery in their states. He was wrong. Opponents denounced the law as a concession to the slave power of the South. The new Republican Party, which was created in opposition to the act, aimed to stop the expansion of slavery, and soon emerged as the dominant force throughout the North.

In what way did the Kansas issue help Lincoln win the Presidency in 1860?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 with the popular sovereignty portion of the bill was written into the proposal. This portion of the bill was to allow the voters of the movement to decide if slavery would be allowed within the states that were formed because of the Act. Douglas hoped that popular sovereignty would allow democracy to win and he would not have to pick a side on the issues of slavery and slave rights. But indignation fanned out across the territories and the Republican Party gained prominence in the territories of the north and west.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott decision overturned what 1820 compromise which banned slavery in the territories draw from the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase?

he was denided the spurim cort diecided he was not free and if you trying to do social studies this is not going to be right

How did the Kansas Nebraska act affect slavery in the new territory?

It caused a mini cilvil war in Kansas from competing state governments. Free-soilers and proslavery settlers began to fight over land, towns, water, etc. and there was little law and order. As a result violence became a major problem, which caused Bleeding Kansas to occur and not be contained by federal or territorial authorities.

What was the long term effect of the bleeding?

The so-called matter of "Bleeding Kansas" was due to the 1864 Kansas-Nebraska law that provided to citizens of territories the right to vote on whether a the state would enter the Union as a free or slave state. This was termed "popular sovereignty". Pro and anti-slavery groups took to violence regarding the issue of slavery. Short term, Kansas entered the Union as a free state. Long term, it can be said that this violence and loss of lives would not be repeated again in US territories.

How did senator stephen douglas expect to benefit by the passage of the kansas nebraska act?

In United States history, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries. The initial purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to create opportunities for a Mideastern Transcontinental Railroad. It was not problematic until popular sovereignty was written into the proposal. The act was designed by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. The act established that settlers could vote to decide whether to allow slavery, in the name of "popular sovereignty" or rule of the people. Douglas hoped it would ease relations in both North and South, because the South could expand slavery to new territories but the North still had the right to abolish slavery in their states. He was wrong. Opponents denounced the law as a concession to the slave power of the South. The new Republican Party, which was created in opposition to the act, aimed to stop the expansion of slavery, and soon emerged as the dominant force throughout the North.

How did the Kansas- Nebraska act lead to violence in Kansas?

The Kansas - Nebraska Act was passed with the idea that the citizens could decide amongst themselves whether to vote for slavery or not. In Nebraska the non slavery group was fairly well established. Not the same thing however in Kansas. There bitter and Strong feelings on both sides of the issue resulted in violence between pro and anti slavery groups.