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They cleansed the Temple in Jerusalem from ritual impurity and rededicated it. See also:

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Q: What did the Maccabees cleanse after reclaiming Judea from the Greeks?
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Who are the Maccabees?

The Maccabees were the people who fought in the war against the Greeks in the Chanukkah story.

What group defeated the Syrians in the Hanukkah story?

The group that defeated the Syrians was the Maccabees. The defeat took place during the Maccabean revolt between 167 and 160 BCE in Judea.

How did the people of Judea feel about the people of Nazareth?

The people of Galilee, in which Nazareth was a small village, had been forcibly converted to Judaism by the Maccabees. They were regarded by the Jews of Judea as mere provincials and not really Jews. This is reflected in John 7:52 "... for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet".

Romans conquered the greeks at what battle in 63bc?

Pompey conquered the people of Phonecia, Coele-Syria, and Judea for the Roman Republic.

How did the maccabee victory affect the government of judah?

The Maccabee victory affected the government of Judah because in 63 B.C, after the Maccabees had won ,Rome conquered Judah and called it Judea. Roman rulers kept strict control over Judea. The Jews were allowed to have Jewish Kings and religious leaders, but these kings and leaders were appointed by Rome.

Did the Jews defeat Assyrian-Greeks?

Yes, The Jews defeated the Assyrian-Greeks around 165 BCE. It should be noted that the Jews won a guerrilla war or war of attrition as opposed to an open war or direct confrontation. The Assyrian-Greeks withdrew from Judea in order to prevent the loss of today's Iraq to Seleucids who decided to invade when seeing the Assyrian-Greeks as being preoccupied.

What was a reform of Alexander the Great for the Jews?

Alexander the great did not have a direct impact on the Jews. However, after his death, his empire was split and Ptolemaic rulers took control of Judea among other places. The rulers did things such as putting up temples to Greek deities in Jerusalem and desecrating the King Solomon's temple which was sacred to the Jews. This led to a guerrilla warfare group called the Maccabees fighting off the Greeks and rededicating King Solomon's temple, this event is known as Hanukkah.

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Is judea a religion?

Judea is not a relligion it is a country

What is the definition of judea?

Judea was a historic region in the Southern Levant, located to the south of Jerusalem. It was the homeland of the Jewish people and played a significant role in ancient Jewish history, particularly during the time of the Second Temple period and the Roman occupation.

When was Judea Pearl born?

Judea Pearl was born in 1936.

What is the capital of judea in jesus time?

The capital of Judea during Jesus' time was Jerusalem.