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...the comic charter? You mean Magna Carta. And go on Wikipedia. You don't deserve my answer

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Q: What freedoms were guaranteed in the Magna Carta?
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The Magna Carta is also known as what?

The Magna Carta or Magna Carta Libertatum is also known as the Great Charter of Freedoms.

What document guaranteed the rights of the English?

The Magna Carta

The landmark English document that guaranteed due process is?

The Magna Carta

What guaranteed that not even the king or queen was above law?

The Magna Carta

How did magna carta affect English government?

The Magna Carta established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute and guaranteed trial by jury and due process of law to the nobility.

What was the major differences between the English bill of rights and the Magna Carta?

was that their life style was different all the time

Which document limited the monarchs right to tax and guaranteed due process?

Magna Carta

Was the basic idea of magna carta that all people have certain guaranteed rights?


What was the first document to limit the power of the British monarchy?

The Magna Carta document

Which basic principle of the Magna Carta later became one of the underlying ideas of the US Constitution?

The Magna Carta had alot to do with freedoms these barons wanted. We asked for some of the same freedoms. Also, while not exact, the idea of the right to a jury of your peers started here

What did the Magna Carta guaranteed?


What are basic rights guaranteed by the magna carta?

The Magna Carta was a legal document signed in 1215 by King John of England. The Magna Carta promises all English citizens the right to a fair trial, as well as King John's promise not to tax the barony without their consent, and to govern according to feudal law.