

What did the Muslims have to do with the Holocaust?

Updated: 12/21/2019
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14y ago

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Nothing in particular, except that some Muslims believe that the Holocaust is in some sense misused to gain support for Israel in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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Q: What did the Muslims have to do with the Holocaust?
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Why did Nazis target Muslims during the Holocaust?

The Nazis did not target Muslims. That is one of those myths.

Why do Muslims deny the Holocaust?

Many Muslim countries do not recognize Israel.Some Arabs and some other Muslims believe that the Holocaust is misused to enhance the legitimacy of Israel.Many go a stage further and find it convenient to deny the Holocaust altogether.

What is more serious than the Holocaust?

Stalin killed more than 20 million people. Only 6 million people were killed during the holocaust, many of which were jews, Gypsies, Muslims, and gays.

What did the Iranians say happened instead of the Holocaust?

Iranians don't say that Holocaust didn't happen, their government says that. What's more even the rulers of Iran aren't consistent in their denial of the Holocaust. In offguard moments some of their rulers say it did in fact happen, but that it is unfair that Muslims have paid the price for the Europeans' (and Americans') bad conscience about the Jews.

Why does the Holocaust offend Muslims?

Answer 1No, it doesn't. Holocaust doesn't offend Muslims as they were neither victims of the holocaust nor involved in causing it. However, Muslims; as many others in Europe and in the world; don't like using the holocaust by Israel as a way to get more money for compensation and as a way to drive the world attention out of the other holocaust done by the Israelis against the Palestinians. On the other hands, some historians state that not only Jews were victims of the holocaust but also many other nationalities and faiths.Answer 2The view held by the Iranian government is that Israel exists BECAUSE OF the Holocaust. In this view, the only reason a Jewish State exists in the Arab/Islamic World is because the world felt immense pity for the slaughter and mass-murder that took place in Europe and decided that rather than make Europeans communally pay for what they did by creating a Jewish asylum in Europe, to send them to the Middle East and make the Jews somebody else's problem, the Arabs and Muslims. Therefore, Iran's government works diligently to deny the Holocaust, because it believes that if it can convince the world that the Holocaust did not happen, then Israel's existence will become illegitimate.Of course, anyone who knows anything about history understands that this is a farce. Zionism as a movement started in the 1880s, Jewish colonization of Mandatory Palestine began in the 1920s, and Zionists had been campaigning for Jewish independence from the 1930s onward. The only reason Israel exists is because the Holocaust ultimately failed to exterminate the Jewish people (since if it had killed them off, there would be no need for a Jewish State). A discussion of whether or not the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is itself a genocide, which it is not, is not germane to this particular question and a discussion of that can be found at the Related Question below.

Did Hitler fight the Jews on behalf of Islam.?

No. Hitler did not fight the Jews for any Islamic reasons. However, he had no issues or problems with bringing Muslims into the SS divisions to help promulgate the Holocaust.

Did Muslims die in the Holocaust?

Most of them do, but many in the Arab world use it as a stick to beat the state of Israel with as regards their treatment of the Palestinians, having undergone such abuse (albeit on a grander scale) themselves. Of course, some (especially in high places) do not believe that the Holocaust took place, but so do many neo-Nazi Christians and Pagans.

What name is given to the Nazi massacre of over 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust

What was Hitler's view on the Holocaust?

He approved of the Holocaust and was the one who made the Holocaust happen.

What is Holocaust remembrance?

To remember the Holocaust.

Did holocaust have families?

Holocaust was not a person

Who the holocaust is?

The Holocaust is a concept not a person.