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It led to the Nazi undertaking to kill all the European Jews.

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Q: What did the Nazi conference concerning ''the Jewish question'' lead to?
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What conference established the Nazi's idea of a "Final Solution?

On January 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question."

What was the name of the Nazi campaign that destroy the Jews?

The Final Solution( Of the Jewish Question)

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The issue of increasing numbers of Jewish refugees escaping Nazi :)

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Why did Heydrich bring together Nazi officials at the Wannsee conference?

In short the Wannsee conference was held to set in motion the final solution. Heydrich was tasked as chief executer of disposing of Germany's Jewish problem. The Wansee conference was to gain the support for the final solution from all those departments head involved in Jewish policies.

An explanation of anti-Jewish prejudice in the Nazi government?

Please see the related question.

Why did Hitler and the NAZI government want a final solution?

Although killing of Jews by Nazi forces began before the Wansee Conference 20 January 1942, the term "Final Solution" rose out of a letter from Herman Göring to the head of the conference and director of the Reichs Main Security Office, SS-Obergruppenführer Reynhard Heydrich. The main purpose of the conference was to address the "Jewish question," the problem created by the Nazi's concentrating prisoners, primarily Jewish, into internment and work camps. Quite literally, housing millions of prisoners became a huge drain on the resources of the Reich, and had begun to create a huge problem for the government who was then involved in war with most of the industrialized world.

Final Solution?

This was Nazi Germany's plan during World War II to systematically exterminate the Jewish population in Nazi-occupied Europe through genocide. This policy was formulated in procedural terms at the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, and culminated in the Holocaust which saw the killing of two thirds of the Jewish population of Europe.

What was hitler nazi or jewish?

Hitler was a Nazi. He killed Jews.

What was the name for the Nazi euthanasia program?

The Nazi regime referred to it as the Final Solution of the Jewish Question. See related questions below.

Why did Hitler wait until 1938 to put the Jewish community under full Nazi attack?

There were competing claims on the time and energy of the Nazi leadership, and their 'Jewish question' was not always the top priority that many think. At some level they knew that the Jews were harmless.

Did England hand over there Jewish populations to Nazi Germany?

No. England accepted many Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany.