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Hitler did not personally kill Anne Frank. As a Jew, she was forced to go into hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands. She, her family and four other people spent two years in an annex of rooms above her father's office in Amsterdam. After two years of living in this way, they were betrayed to the Nazis and deported to concentration camps. At the age of 15, Anne Frank died after a typhus epidemic spread through the camp killing an estimated 17,000 prisoners at Bergen-Belsen. The date has been variously estimated as 31 March 1945, just two months before the end of the war.

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Hitler did not do anything to Anne Frank. Gestapo on the other hand did.

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12y ago

One day when Jopie went home her parents were taken away, so she spent 2 days alone then got taken away by the Germans too.

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Q: What did the Nazis do to Anne Frank's best friend Jopie?
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What is anne franks friend jopie's last name?

"Jopie" was a pseudonym Anne made up for her - in all later editions of the Diary, the pseudonyms have been dropped, and all characters are referred to by their own names. "Jopie" was - and still is- Jacqueline van Maarsen.

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There is limited information available about Jopie le Whaal. It is possible that the name is not a well-known or documented individual.

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Jaquline Van Marsen Also, her best friend was Jopie de Waal. She had plans with Jopie the day she had to leave her home and go into hiding.

What date were the franks found?

Anne Frank and her family were discovered by the Nazis on Aug. 4, 1944.

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August 4, 1944.

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Hanneli Goslar

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Lies she often dreams about her was in the Secret Annexe. Other friends of her were Jopie de Waal from the Jewish Secondary School

How did Anne frank get caught by Nazis?

A thief was among the Franks and Van Daans and they made noise so the thief called the Green Police Aka Nazis.

Anne Frank's interesting Information?

WHAT WAS ANNE FRANKS BEST FRIEND????? -you mean who, and one that she was separated from was her friend Lies, also known as Hanneli.

What happened to anne's friend Hannah?

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Who is lies goosens?

She was Anne Franks friend, and they both got put into a concentration camp...

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