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Q: What did the Nazis who came to power in Germany in January 1983 believe?
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When and where did the Nazis take power?

they took power in Germany on January 30,1933 they remained in powered until April-may 1945

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What was the name of the country the Nazis were elected into power in the 1930s?


Date that Nazis gained power?

30 January 1933.

Who was in power during the Holocaust?

In Germany, Hitler and the Nazis were in power, but it was much chaos, because Germany was in war with America, France, Canada, and so forth. Also, Hitler is the person who started the holocaust, and the Nazis enforced it.

How much control did the Nazis have over Germany before 1939?

The Nazis gained almost complete control over Germany very quickly after coming to power in 1933.

Which was the first group targeted by the Nazis for repression once the Nazis seized power in Germany?

Communists, trade unionists and political opponents.

What year did Nazis come to power in Germany?

Hitler was elected chancellor in 1933.

Did Hitler come to power in Germany on 30th January 1933?

Hitler was sworn in as German chancellor on the morning of 30 January 1933, but many argue that he was elected because of his powerful speeches and they way he was showing power over others. Hidenburg wanted the side of the Nazis as they were powerful. Hidenburg and Von Papen thought they could control Hitler by giving him chancellor but they were wrong.

Was Einstein in a concentration camp?

No. He was outside Germany when the Nazis came to power and never returned.

What jobs did men have in Germany while Hitler was in power?

Most Germans were Nazis (they killed Jews).

Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany in 1929 she then moved to Amsterdam the Netherlands in 1934?

Anne Frank and her family moved to Amsterdam in 1933 after the Nazis came to power in Germany. They sought refuge in the Netherlands to escape persecution. Anne Frank later went into hiding in Amsterdam during the Holocaust to avoid being captured by the Nazis.