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The Nez Perce people, call themselves Nimi'ipuu, which means the "real people" or "we the people." The name "Nez Perce" was given to them through an interpreter with the 1805 Lewis and Clark expedition.

The Nez Perce were of the Idaho Plateau. They inhabited the area west of the Crow river in the Rocky Mountains north of Yellowstone River.

Tribal chief was generally an inherited position, the headman was at times also a shaman, a religious figure, and healer.

They believed that each individual had a guardian spirit that provided a unique identity and a special skill in hunting, perhaps, or healing or quilling. Care was needed to protect the power; if it resided in a medicine bag, for example, that object must be kept in a particular way. Allowing it to be mishandled, damaged, or touched by the wrong person could have disastrous results.They held ceremonial dances to assure good harvests, promote social harmony, and give protection from evil forces. The Great Spirit, was the connection to all life.Nez perce people and craftse enjoyed arts

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they worshiped the sperits they lay opon them

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The Nez Perce lived in what is now the Northwest of the US at the time the earliest European explorers got there. The Nez Perce are still alive today.

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Nez Perce National Forest was created in 1908.

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