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Q: What did the Rosetta stone say ancient egypt?
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What did the Rosetta stone say in hyrogliphics?

The Rosetta stone has three scripts. All of the scripts, including Hieroglyphics, is a text by priests in Egypt to honor the Pharaoh. It tells all about the accomplishments of the Pharaoh and how the accomplishments are good for the people of Egypt.

What did the Rosetta stone say about the daily life of the Egyptians?

It was written by priests and said all that the pharaohs did for the people in Egypt.

What does the Rossetta stone say?

The Rosetta Stone has an engraved inscription that records a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The decree appears in three different scripts. The first is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the second one in Egyptian demotic script, and the Third in Ancient Greek.

How did Jean-Francois Champollion decipher the Egyptian hieroglyphics?

Champollion used the Rosetta Stone to translate hieroglyphics..Jean Francois Champollion, the father of Egyptology, used the Rosetta Stone to decipher and understand hieroglyphics. This artifact is a pillar of black granite with three inscriptions.

Why do people think the Rosetta stone is important?

The Rosetta Stone was found by Napoleon's troops in Egypt during his campaigns there. It is famous because it had a text written on it that was written in Old Egyptian, New Egyptian and Greek. Before the Rosetta Stone, archaeologists had no way to figure out what what Old Egyptian hieroglyphs meant. With the Rosetta Stone, since they already knew Greek and New Egyptian, they could finally decipher the hieroglyphs.

Did the poor fish in ancient Egypt?

There is no evidence to say that the poor of ancient Egypt did not fish.

What acctually did the Rosetta stone say?

The Rosetta Stone says in English: "They shall write the decree on a stela of hard stone in the script of the words of God (hieroglyphics), the script of the documents (demotic), and the script of the lonians (Greek), and set it in the temples in the vicinityof the divine image of the pharaoh living forever."

What do most Rosetta Stone reviews say about the software in general?

Many Rosetta Stone reviewers have returned negative reviews on the software which was promoted as software that could help to save endangered languages. It has been cited as the least favoured of language courses.

What did the rosetti stone say on it?

The Rosetta Stone was commissioned by King Ptolemy V in 196 BCE. It stated that Ptolemy was the new ruler and established a divine cult in Memphis.

Is Rosetta Stone a good tool to use to learn Russian?

Rosetta Stone software has been very successful in teaching people different languages. They currently have over 30 languages to choose from. So I would say yes,it would be a good tool to learn Russian.

Does Cleopatra have anything to do with Egypt?

As Cleopatra was a queen of Egypt, yes, you could say that she had something to do with Egypt. She was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty in ancient Egypt.

What did Ancient Egyptian cartouches say?

Cartouches enclosed the names of Egyptian royalty. They furnished a priceless clue to Jean-François Champollion in deciphering the hieroglyphic inscription on the Rosetta Stone, since they identified the hieroglyphs that corresponded to the royal names known from the Greek version of the text.