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Q: What did the US place in cuba?
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Where did the US invasion of Cuba in 1961 take place?

Bay of Pigs

Where in cuba did the failed us invasion of 1961 take place?

Bay of Pigs

What was the Bay of Pigs and were did it take place?

Attempted ousting Castro from Cuba by US CIA

In 1961 the US backed what unsuccessful invasion of Cuba?

{| |- | The event is referred to as The Bay of Pigs. It is the place that Cuban's landed with help from the US in an attempt to take control of Cuba from the government. The US helped those that had been kicked out of Cuba in an attempt to regain US property that the government there had taken away. |}

How can you find the name of a herb that is imported into the US from Cuba?

There are no herbs imported to the US from Cuba. The US does not trade with Cuba.

The US placed nuclear missiles in this country causing Russia to place some in Cuba?


Does Cuba trade cars with the US?

There is a trade embargo with Cuba, the US does not trade anything with Cuba.

What action did the U.S. take when Castro seized American businesses in cuba?

The US put embargos in place. Some of them were supported by the United Nations. The US continues to enforce an embargo on trade and goods to and from Cuba.

Does US trade with Cuba?

The U.S cannot trade with Cuba because we (The United States) have a embargo against Cuba. No one is allowed to travel there only under some circumstances. Congress has also made a bill that has made that Embargo stronger

What relationship does cuba have with the US?

The United States has had a trade embargo in place against Cuba since Fidel Castro took power over 50 years ago.

What are the differences between Cuba and US?

Cuba is an island nation, and the US is not.

Was cuba ever own by the us?

No, the US has never owned Cuba.