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Q: What did the anti federslists fear?
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What does antifobia mean?

Did you mean anti-phobia? A phobia is a kind of fear that can sometimes render someone from doing certain things because of it. For example someone with herpetophobia has a fear of reptiles/amphibians and will avoid them at all costs. Anti-phobia is the act of trying to cure the phobia and may be the term used to refer to an anti-phobia pill or suppressant. Anti-phobia could also be seen as anti-fear.

What is the anti federalists flag?

its a flag that helps u not fear

Why did the anti federalists fear an energetic central government?

people were scared

Is anti semitism and islamophobia the same?

"Anti-Semitism" is a word which is used to refer to hatred of Jews. "Islamophobia" translates to "fear of Islam."

How is homophobia different from anti-gay prejudice?

Homophobia often results in anti-gay prejudice. Anti-Gay prejudice is the dislike of people who consider themselves to be LGBTQ where as homophobia is a fear of the same sex. Homo-meaning same Phobia-meaning fear of When someone is homophobic they typically have a fear of homosexual encounters, homosexual public affection, homosexual lifestyles and these fears result in the hatred of homosexuals and becomes anti-gay prejudice.

How did you get the word homophobic?

The term homophobic is derived from homosexuality phobia, meaning fear of homosexuality. It has been widely used to refer to anti-gay prejudice, although it is not necessarily true that all anti-gay sentiment is based on fear.

What did anti-suffragists fear if women got the right to vote?

Ignore their duties at home.

What does the anti federalists fear?

government take over, they feared a strong central government.

What fears did the Anti Federalists have that people express today?

Socialism is the fear of the Anti-Federalists because the Democrats and what was his stance on people using democracy as a government.

Red Scare was the fear of?

The term Red Scare denotes of strong Anti-Communism in the United States.

What is another name for the red scare?

anti-japanese fear that swept thru the USA many decades ago.