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John 11:14 Then Jesus said to them plainly, "Lazarus is dead.

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Q: What did the apostle John say about Jesus (John 1114) and what false teaching did this correct?
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Did Mary have a miracle in Jesus or is this false teaching?

Yes it is very true , and there are no false teaching in this . As the prophet Isiah said 700 years earlier to the birth of christ , that avirgin would give birth , and the child will be called Jesus. THE SAVIOUR.

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Is the pope the false prophet?

No. He is the Successor of St. Peter the Apostle.

True or false jesus would explain the parables to the disciples?

False: Jesus did not do this.

What does pseudo truth mean?

Pseudo means a falsehood, for example, a pseudo-apostle is a false apostle;

Who is a person that teaches a false doctrine?

Most religions claim theirs is the only true one. Logically all cannot be correct in this. Therefore all are wrong or only one is correct. So either all teachers of religious dogma are teaching false doctrine or most are. These are referred to as heretics. Which one (if any) is the correct one is a matter of faith.

What are the categories of religious teaching?

True and false.

Is the correct answer false?

No, the correct answer is not false. It is best to provide the correct information or clarification instead.

What is true and false?

True means it is a proven fact; it is right or correct. False means it is not correct or not true.

Is there anywhere in the Bible that says that Jesus is Michael the archangel?

No. In the first chapter of the New Testament epistle to the Hebrews, Jesus is clearly set apart from (and above) the angels in no uncertain terms.There are some groups, however, who believe this - notably the jehovah's Witnesses. but this teaching is false and unBiblical.

All interpretations are equally correct true or false?
