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lunar lander

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Q: What did the astronauts use to collect geological samples on the Moon's surface?
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What is crossword puzzle word for astronauts ride le?

LEM - Lunar Excursion Module - A small 'car' that was used to move across the surface to collect samples.

Why did astronauts drill holes in the moon?

To take core samples of the lunar surface.

Why did the Apollo astronauts who actually walked on the Lunar surface have visors plated with gold while the other astronauts did not?

The Apollo astronauts who walked on the lunar surface had visors plated with gold while the other astronauts did not because they wanted to collect the solar particles.

What was Neil Armstrong's specific job when he walked on the Moon's surface?

His specific job was to collect lunar samples, and then return with them to Earth, which he did.

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Did astronauts actually touch on the moon?

They touched some lunar samples with bare hands, but not the moon itself. They did walk on the moon's surface, but they were in full pressure suits the entire time they were outside the Lunar Module.

What did they collect on the moon?

A lot of rocks and soil samples. They also drilled tubes into the moon and brought back core samples below the lunar surface. They also brought back a sample of the solar wind on a sheet of aluminum foil that they put out during their moonwalks.

What task does the lunar roving vehicle perform?

It allowed the astronauts to cover more distance on the lunar surface, as well as carry more tools and return more samples, than would be possible had they only walked

How many astronauts have worked on the moons surface?

Around 12 astronauts have worked on the moon.

Can the astronauts talk on the surface of moon as on the earth?

no there is no air in the surface of the moon

What are the geological condition affecting impounded surface water?

The geological condition affecting impounded surface water is flooding or flash flooding. Another term for impounded surface water is drainage basin.

What task did neil Armstrong and Edwin perform on the moons surface?

The task done by the Apollo 11 astronauts were collect, moon rocks and soil, leave behind scientific equipment on the moon, leave a U.s flag and plaque with the names of the astronauts and cosmonauts , who died in the challenge of space exploration.