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The Battle of Wounded Knee brought to an end to the Ghost Dance that was performed by many Native American tribes.

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Q: What did the battle of wounded knee bring to an end?
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Which event marked the end of the Indian wars?

Battle of Wounded Knee.

What battle marked the end of three centuries of warfare between the Indians and the whites?

The battle of the wounded knee

What battle brought an end to the Indian Wars?

the Treaty Of Paris in 1763

Wounded Knee marked the end of what conflict?

The Wounded Knee Massacre on December 29, 1890 is usually considered the end of the "free Indian".

What marked the end of the wars between the federal government and the plains Indians?

I presume the question refers to the massacre which took place in 1890 at Wounded Knee in South Dakota and effectively marked the end of the US army's campaign to force native American tribes onto reservations established by the government.

What was the last battle fought on American Soil?

I believe that it might have been the Aleutians if you count territories, this was WWII in Alaska. If you want states,I know there was a battle between Mexicans and Germans fighting against US soldiers in Arizona.

How did the wounded knee end?

it pooped on charlie.

What did wounded knee signal?

The Wounded Knee Massacre signaled the end of all resistance from the Sioux Nations and on the Great Plains. It was a symbol of the destruction of Native American life.

What was the last battle between the American Indians and the federal troops?

The Pine Ridge Campaign (November 1890 -- January 1891) led to the last major conflict with the Sioux which resulted in the Wounded Knee "Massacre" on December 29, 1890. I personally have trouble with the word "massacre", since to me the battle was the result of an Indian who would not give up his rifle, a failure in command, and inexperienced soldiers who opened fire without orders often shooting there own men. This lead to a general outburst of firing. At the end 150 men, women, and children of the Sioux had been killed and 51 wounded; twenty-five soldiers also died, thirty-nine were wounded (6 of the wounded would also die). If you plan a massacre you don't count on killing your own people. There were two small skirmishes later, 1) October 5, 1898, Leech Lake, Minnesota at the Battle of Sugar Point; 2) the battle of Bear Valley, Arizona when the cavalry engaged and captured a band of Yaquis Jan 9, 1918.

How many people were killed or wounded in the Battle of Antietam?

There were over 23,000 men killed, wounded, or missing after the end of the Battle of Antietam.

What marked the end of the wars between federal government and the plains Indian?

the massacre at Wounded Knee

What event in 1890 marked the end of organized Indians resistance to white control?

wounded knee