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Q: What did the black death do for the serfs?
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Who did the black death mostly affect serfs or nobles?


How did serfs get affected by the black death?

Everyone Will die unless there buboes don't Burst !

What happened as Europe recovered from the black death?

Cities began to grow, and serfs gained freedom.

How did the black death mostly affect serfs?

Dude it killed 3/4 the population of Europe u figure it out

How did the black death most contribute to the end of feudalism?

alot of serfs were dying so they asked for higher payment to their lords

What happened to power after the black death?

The power in the Kings/Monarchs got diminished because feudalism ended after the black death. This means there was a rise in higher-class because they started to pay more for a servant considering most serfs/peasants were dying. therefore, power was basically demolished after the black death :)

Did the Black Death end the Middle Ages?

No, the black death did not end the middle ages. The black death caused a lot of changes, some important, such as causing members of the nobility to try to tempt serfs to move onto their land and away from the land they were bound to. But the middle ages continued for another hundred years or more.

What was the role of serfs in shogunate japan?

Black people

Which of the following was a long-term result of the Black Death in medieval Europe?

Europeans began questioning their faith in the catholic church

Did the black death contribute to the decline of the manor system?

Because serfs and Peasants were paid more for work and therefor could in some occastions even overthrow a lord of a manor.

Why was the black death bad for landowners?

It wiped out the population of serfs, who were needed to grow and harvest the landowner's crops. Therefore, with no crops brought in, there was no income to keep the manor house going.

What did the plagues do in the medieval times in England?

We do not know exactly how many died in the Black Death, but it might have been as much as half the people of England. It returned more than once, and kept returning until the seventeenth century. When the Black Death was over, there were not enough farmers in England. Serfs were supposed to stay on the manors where they were born, but with an insufficient number of workers, many lords tried to tempt serfs off the lands of their neighbors. They did this by offering a better deal than the serfs had previously had. This brought serfdom in England to an end in not very many years.