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Q: What did the blending hypothesis state?
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How is Mendel's particulate hypothesis is different from the blending hypothesis of inheritance?

The blending hypothesis, but not the particulate hypothesis, maintained that after a mating, the genetic material provided by each of the two parents is mixed in the offspring, losing its individual identity.

Why blending inheritance is an incorrect hypothesis?

because in order for blending inheritance to occur, all variation would have to be diluted out

How do the constancy hypothesis and blending hypothesis for transmission of traits differ from observable patterns of inheritance?

Omg i have the exact question on my packet....

Explain how Mendel's particulate hypothesis is different from the blending hypothesis of inheritance?

Mendel showed in his experiments that inherited traits are not passed through the blending of inheritance theory. According to the blending of inheritance theory, an offspring's traits are a blend between the traits of the parent organisms. In Mendel's experiments however, he showed that this was not true, and that inheritance is actually based on genes, through the observation of recessive traits. He observed that an offspring could have a trait that neither of the parents had, which is now explained through both of the parents having the recessive gene for the trait, but not showing it because they are heterozygous dominant. There is a 25% chance that the offspring of two heterozygous dominant parents will produce a homozygous recessive offspring that will show the trait that neither of the parents shows.

How do you state that your hypothesis was correct?

just say "my hypothesis was correct because" and then state all the data that supports ur answer

What does state whether your hypothesis was correct or not mean?

It means tell them how your hypothesis was right or not.

Clerify the meaning of state the hypothesis?

Hypothesis is merely a guess at what you think is going to happen.

What do scientist do when a hypothesis is not supported by an experiment?

Scientists then state another hypothesis and test it out with another experiment.

How do you state an alternative hypothesis?

When more than one hypothesis is shown on a scientific paper, the alternative hypotheses can be numbered. They could use a format like, Hypothesis No. 1, Hypothesis No. 2, and so on.

Compare and contrast a theory with a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is just a formally declared thought, to turn it into a theory you must delve into the consequences of your hypothesis; and state how it can be tested (by others).

When scientists state what they expect to find out they are stating a?


What is the statement of the hypothesis?

It is where you state what you believe will happen in an experiment.