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They did not allow other political parties, had dictorial control over its citizens and many aspects of their lives. Cut off their freedoms: speech, the press, religion,thought..

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Q: What did the communist party do to China?
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What is the Communist Party of China?

The Communist Party of China is a part of China that was a Communist party. It was a very dangerous part of China that you didn't want to be near. They were bad people.

What party is China now?

A communist party is currently ruling China :)

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Central Party School of the Communist Party of China was created in 1933.

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Communist Party of the Republic of China was created on 2009-03-31.

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Only one party is allowed in the People's Republic of China. The party is Communist Party of China.

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China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China (CPC)

What type og government does china have?

China is a one-party state. Although the ruling party is the Communist Party of China, it's not very a communist country although it is very much a dictatorship.

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China's form of government is called Communist Party of China