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Q: What did the condition of the iceman's teeth reveal about his age?
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How do Zoologists tell the age of a bear?

Zoologists determine the age of a bear mainly by examining the size and condition of their teeth. By analyzing the wear and growth patterns of the teeth, they can estimate the bear's age. Additionally, zoologists may also use other methods such as studying growth rings in bones or looking at physical characteristics and overall size to estimate the age of a bear.

Which teeth do baby's have at the age of 2?

milk teeth

How do you determine age of human beings?

Teeth can determine a person's age by the sequence that the teeth appear at particular ages. Lines that grow on the enamel of teeth, helps to show the age.

Age at which first teeth fell?

the milk teeth starts exfoliating from 6-7 years of age

What is the youngest age a baby can have teeth?

Babies can be born with teeth.

Is it normal for my adult tooth to be slightly looseI have healthy gums and healthy teeth?

It is normal just keep the teeth in healthy condition and as long as it doesn't get looser your

How did potential owners decide whether slaves were healthy or not?

Visual inspection was the primary means. Just how the stood and moved provided a lot of information. Looking at their teeth was another important factor. It could reveal vitamin deficiencies, help with age estimations and healthy teeth were a big help in staying healthy.

When do you start to lose all your teeth to get adult teeth?

The first of the baby teeth (also called "milk teeth" and "deciduous teeth") begn to fall out about age five. They are gradually replaced by the newly erupting adult teeth, a process ususally complete by age 12-13. The exception is wisdom teeth, which, if they erupt at all, begin to do so about age 18-19.

How many teeth should a teenager have?

Depending on age, early 13 should be minimum 26 teeth, age 14, 28 teeth, and by 21, you should have wisdom teeth.

How do you tell how old a horse is by its teeth?

you can tell a horses age by its teeth

The teeth grow even at age 34?

No teeth to not grow at age 34..they can move if there is space for them to move into ..but the teeth do not grow..they are already well formed by the time you are 21

At what age do primary teeth exfoliate?

Primary teeth start falling off around the age of 6. The first teeth to exfoliate are usually the lower cental incisors.